Happy Birthday to the prophet of our time
Some read of superheroes in comic books and such.
We were raised by a real one.
Some watched SuperMan save lives in fiction.
Ours really and literally does.
Some saw defenders of the universe in some fictional piece.
We have a real defender of our aion.
Mon Tres Cher Papa!
Our Prophet. Our Advantage.
Eres incomparable Señor!
Today, no earthly words can fitly convey the depth of love and appreciation in our hearts for all you are, have done, and still doing in our lives. We are your work in Christ.
Some were bred... Some grew up. Some were reared.
We were raised by the best! You gave us the best gift any father can ever give his children- you believed in us.
We are the fruit of your grace.
We salute your audacity of faith our intrepid General Sir; your courage to face a fight and to make one. You are the voice of Wisdom sounding out into all corners of the Earth.
Happy Birthday, Sir!
We love you dearly Sir!
Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;